Month: June 2021
How to vend professionally with Scrap cars on the property?
The most frequently asked question by residents of native country is “Selling of unwanted car on Property”. If you are looking for a solution then this blog would be a good quality of information for you. Often people find issues with selling the used cars by shifting the house or while leaving the country. Complaining to local police or council most of the time doesn’t support whereas the finest key will be to contact cash for junk car removal companies. You would find it hard to sell your old cars since your contains as your option where car removal companies will fix your issue at any point. Unwanted car removal companies also require a document which is “Uncollected Goods Certificate “and can be got through local councils. This is the legitimate method to get rid of a car from your belongings. Thereafter you can sell your cars at a fair value. Cash for unwanted cars have their own expertise to help you with your issues and also guide you with the best solution. Car removal companies serve you with well-experienced staff to handle your cars with care.
Damaged car removal for surplus cars
Car removal company are the ones established and have professional service by guaranteed pay the most cars for cars without any hidden price. If the car is no longer aiding your purpose, sell it by giving it to good hands for cash for cars. They purchase all types of cars including minivans, SUVs, Utes, and more. Whether your car is old, damaged, rusted, or even wrecked, give a call and get maximum cash in your wallet. You can also find how much does your old cars cost by giving a call to the car removal buyer where they would give you a prompt answer to your queries. Thus your entire struggle in selling your cars will vanish in 60seconds by getting specialist support and guide. Car removal dealers will give you the best cash price for old cars which would be much better than any other cash quote you receive. Car removal dealer offers you services like scrap car, junk car, unwanted car, damaged car, accident car and makes sure that your car is removed and paid for the best estimate.
Securest manner to clear the junk environment
Cash for Car removal service is something we should be proud of indeed gives us the best solution for cars for cash. Cars for removal cover all the suburbs of all counties and as well each and nuke corner of all cities for only motive to collect the unwanted car. Car removal experts will arrive for your needs in your preferred location. Car buyers correctly evaluating your car and will offer you the top cash in the market. Car removal buyers tow your cars away without harming the surroundings. Car removal buyers always look on to customer’s safety and environment security with only the purpose to help the residents. The largest buyers of the Cash for Car unwanted automobiles in and around all the surroundings of countries serve a prompt solution for the car owners who are looking out for trading the car for cash. This would be the fastest approach and legal way to remove all the junk cars from the property. Old and unwanted cars have nothing to do but sit and rust in a parking lot or garage “Why not put the cars into good hands and make a top cash of dump cars”?. The extremely expert team and friendly staffs are always in reserve and accessible whenever needed. The customer is provided with quick car removal and same-day payments with a deal of 100% free collection without costing a penny. With more than years of experience in the automotive industry, car removal companies give complete paperwork documents with ease. The resident doesn’t want to wander all-around to get the document process, thus car buyers take every customer issue as their own and process it with much concern.
You can get this service as support from a car removal service
- Old car removals Country-wide
- Free towing service
- Top dollar for any cars including heavy cars
- Car collection same day
- Accident and Scrap car buyer
- Instant cash on the wallet
- Doorstep car removal service
Dominant ploy procedure to know
The government has a set of rules that one should follow with the old cars wherein the residents will find it difficult. Nothing to worry about since there is a wonderful service provided by the car removal teams to fix the old car issue. Rather than spending money on the old car where it becomes too expensive to afford, car removal is the only wise solution for you. The car buyers calculate all the parts of the cars that could be reclaimed offering you the top cash offer. The best way is to dispose of the car with maximum money on your property and get a new model car at your garage. Car removal companies are also an eco-friendly company that always ensures high benefits for a resident who approaches them for support. Their specialized machinery are been used as care for environmental concerns and quick disposal. The owners find it difficult to sell the uncollected car where they may have to run to the local police to fix the issues. Rather giving into the hands of cash for scrap car buyers to find it an easier way to solve the issue of the uncollected cars in the garage for years. The car dealer just needs the “uncollected cars certificate” rest of the work is prepared by used car buyers at ease. They find it effortless since they have been in the industry for decades. Hence all the information is gathered prior by care removal buyers to avoid difficulties in the future. Cash for old car companies has a clear-cut idea of selling unwanted scrap cars step by step with the complete legitimate procedure.
Must know facts of selling cars
The car removal business makes getting cash for unwanted car removal simpler than anything. Old car buyers transact with cars even so whatever the conditions may be whether it’s working or not and nevertheless of age. The dismantled cars for spare parts and are used for recycling purposes, ensure that all the unwanted cars are carefully harvested. They also assure that any hazardous material will be disposed of properly, and crushed. As a part of the reason, they are later reformed and reused without bringing any further damage to the planet. If you are looking for more details regarding selling your car, then all you have to do is just call and make an appointment to acquire the service. The reason behind selling old or scrap cars is to get our environment healthy. Also if the car is too old to fix the issue since it becomes too expensive were car removal is the only option for your solution. Junk car buyers evaluate each part of the cars that could be salvaged offering you the top cash offer. They take pride to say that they reach all the suburbs of country with the service. Hence the consistent trusted car buyers are made available in all parts of the world wherein just a phone call is necessary to serve you with their service. So if you’re a resident in your country and is essential of any car removal then this is what you do:
- Free & Instant Quote Call or Email us and give the information of your cars and get the service done with a car removal specialist!
- Car removal companies will definitely meet your expectation and provide a reliable car removal facility with top cash.
Feel free to contact cash for cars companies for best solution!
How to create educational content
Educational content is an inward marketing solution for some companies as they use limited inbound marketing policies by educative content. It enables good meetings with the public, organizations, existing customers, or clients. Tutor City is the best tuition agency in Singapore that provides an efficient and effective tuition matching service.
Tips for creating educative content
- Creation of high-quality content: The existence of low-quality content is not new. If the content doesn’t provide value, it’s a total waste of time. So, the purpose of creating content is to gain from performing research online. Content is the information and experiences that are aimed at by the audience. As a result, the creation of content has to be outstanding.
- Making content search engine friendly: At the time of content creation, all the educational pages had to be attractive to search engines. All of them are heavily associated with the problems people are searching to solve.
- Establishing connected and alluring content: In this modern era, content is not just about ordering proper keywords anymore. Now all the content has to give accurate value based on the readers’ experience.
- Shorten content: Short and easy educative content helps readers quickly to locate the points.
Types of educational content and their publishing method
I will look at fast and easy content types. That means I consider them to be fastened and simple to develop with no technical authoring skills required.
Some of these types can be created even faster by using a modern authoring tool. So, I will also look at ways those tools can help in each context.
Slide-based course
Most people think of first when they hear slide-based course as ‘eLearning.’ They involve the user having a self-paced course. The students view slides with mutual units and perhaps narration and other multimedia elements. Similar ways often have a look and sound familiar to PowerPoint presentations.
This sort of content might be suitable for various scenarios. Consider using it, for example:
- Having existing learning substances in presentations, credentials, PDFs, or other layouts that anyone can comfortably repurpose into an online course.
- Need to get a few offline instructions into an online format fast.
This type of electronic learning educational content has not been as often as the other contents mentioned. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to share things. Such as standard operational systems, stepwise processes, and different manuals with staff and supply honest reading expertise. It is a good option if you have the material in Word or PDF format. This method is unavailable or unused to learners in a form that is easy to access and consume.
Training Video
A training video always helps to achieve a particular goal of educational teaching skills or knowledge. It purely teaches someone how to do a critical thing. It has become the most popular method to create educational content. Anyone can use videos as a method of educational content. Some of them given below:
- Independent training video.
- Embedded video
- Live training playback
- Video tutorials
- Software tutorials
Infographics square measure helps to express vital ideas efficiently. Here are some examples wherever infographics square measure essential:
- Providing a fast summary of a subject
- Explaining tough ideas
- Summarizing a procedure
- Summarizing vital concepts
- Showing analysis findings or survey information
- Comparing and distinction multiple choices
- Raising awareness concerning a problem or cause
How-to/Guide books
While writing How-to/Guide books on a website, a perfect post is recognized to be more in-depth with an idea or topic. The shorter it is, the more likely it will get read and shared.
Think about How-to/Guide books is to think of them as a list of blog posts with only two or three bullet points. Readers will dive deeply into each of those bullet points.
When writing How-to/Guide books, remember:
Solve drawback or fill a necessity for your specific audience: A close how-to guide is merely helpful if it solves a problem for your audience. If your audience consists of founders who are in 5+ years, a tutorial on fixing WordPress may not attend to facilitate them. A tutorial on building extra passive revenue streams, on the other hand, could be confident about what they’ve been searching for.
In the current crisis state of affairs, a lot of and a lot of folks are trying to find higher prices from corporations. They’re additionally seeking ways can spice up their skills and acquire the most effective out of their businesses. Offering tutorials, courses, or different forms of instructional content helps your audience and improves your complete image. So, don’t wait. start and begin sharing valuable instructional content that customers can appreciate.
Welcome back everybody! I am so excited to bring this podcast episode to you. First off, it feels so good to be bringing this information to you after a brief hiatus. As I discussed on the podcast, we travelled across the United States and have both been working quite a lot, so it’s taken some time to get this up.
I have always struggled with making healthy decision while travelling, so I thought who better to ask questions of wellness to than my friend, Danae Fentie. I met Danae in high school. I knew her as the bubbly, tall, and intelligent girl who was always smiling. We’ve kept in contact here and there as she has become quite the accomplished holistic nutritionist. In this podcast we speak about how you can work at staying healthy when you are away from home…and once you’re back!
I could detail every nuance of the podcast, but to be honest, this is one that you will want to listen to again and again. Danae bestows some fantastic wisdom. She talks of how we should approach all inclusive resorts as ways to load up on good food we might not normally purchase when we are at home. We learn how to hold our non-negotiable rules for health as a measure for enjoying new foods. Danae brought up a great idea for using our vacation as a kickstart to new eating habits upon our return home. Eating on vacation is an adventure into new foods which we might not be directed to in our daily life. We might not have the courage or the perspective to notice our habits at home, but the different foods and cooking styles we see on our trip could enhance our habits at home in ways we never thought!
We also spoke about staying active and fit when on vacation. Danae mentioned that she travels with a yoga strap and resistance bands to work out wherever she is, on the beach, in the hotel room etc.. She also travels with strong balls to assist in massaging the tightness in your muscles so that you do not have aches and pains so that she is ready for whatever activity is on the agenda. This is a fantastic idea because these items are small and easy to travel with. We all know the pain of having a sore neck from sitting in a cramped airplane seat for a long flight. These small items can really help get you ready for the adventure that awaits.
One of Danae’s must have things in her travel bag was her water bottle. She’ll bring a water bottle that has a filter in it so that if the water is questionable in the area that she is travelling in she ensures that her body stays healthy. I couldn’t agree more. My OCD tendencies are always a topic of conversation with Jacquie, as she is more apt to drink any tap water. I tend to be a bit more cautious. As Danae stated, who knows what level of filtration exists in some countries. It is always better to err on the side of caution in my opinion.
Danae also spoke of some essential oils that can aid in our health. I am pretty unfamiliar with these, so you will have to do some deeper research. The results that I’ve heard from this is really interesting. She talked about ‘Thieves Oil’ which you can read more about here. I talked about oil of oregeno, which Danae said was a great anti-parasitic. Danae knows a lot about these and you can get these as well from Danae through the links below.
Danae spoke about wanting to travel throughout North America, South America and wanting to see Peru not only for the landmark sites, but to also learn about the local culture as it pertains to health and wellbeing. I can’t wait to hear about her travels there.
Affordable Website Design for Plumbers
Stand Out From Your Competitors with an Affordable Website Design for Plumbers that comes with SEO built-in!
The key to growing your plumbing business in today’s economic squeeze is the same key it’s always been: finding new customers. Our modern technological society has changed the way you do that, however. No longer can you rely on flyers, door hangers, signs, or even phone book ads. Today’s customer rarely notices those things; instead, the customer reaches for his laptop or smartphone. The Internet is your most important marketing tool today and your business website is absolutely vital.
Website Design for Plumbers
Your plumbing website is your Yellow Pages listing in today’s culture. Without it, you’re nearly invisible. Since you are responsible for how your site looks, this can be a daunting task. Website design for plumbers can be very challenging. Despite the tremendous plumbing skill and training you have, web design for plumber can be a foreign language. Hiring a designer is a great investment if that’s the case for you. The first place that nearly every homeowner will look for a plumber is online and if you don’t have a well-designed site, you’re missing an excellent opportunity to meet new customers.
Plumber SEO
There’s more to a good website than just design, however. Your site can be the best-looking plumber’s site in your region, but unless the content is written correctly, there’s a good chance people may not even see your site. Large search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing rank their search results based on the location of keywords found on your site: words like plumbing, plumbing repair, and plumber. SEO is an acronym for “Search Engine Optimization” and it refers to the practice of writing your website’s content so that your keywords appear in the right places and catch the search engine’s attention. As you’re already guessing, this can be a challenging process that requires some expertise. Again, hiring good content writers and SEO experts to review your site content is a great advantage. If your site comes up eighth or ninth in Google’s results, chances are high that the customer will be making an appointment with a plumber in the first few results. Good Plumber SEO can move your site toward the top of the search engine results.
As you can see, the advertising game has changed recently. Smartphones, wireless internet, handheld computers – the devices that most customers carry mean that most customers check the Internet first. With a well-designed website and expert SEO, you can get your business name at the top of their results. And of course, that means better business for you!
Just What It Takes To Be A Profitable Affiliate
The online marketers who make the most cash have an enormous list of opt-in subscribers and they send them emails about particular products for sale. One of the ways these affiliates can almost guarantee that they get income from their list is by offering their list free bonuses for buying this new product through their link. You’re in addition going to discover that there are individuals who end up purchasing the product, not for the product itself but for a number of the bonuses that were added. Chase has been providing inspiration and training others for many years on the topics of seo marketing and reputation management services.
If you are an affiliate marketer just starting out and you hope to compete against that, you almost certainly won’t have much luck. You ought to keep in mind that it doesn’t matter what niche we’re discussing there’s generally an affiliate that has an enormous list for it. If you happen to be in the Internet Advertising niche and have a list you need to realize that there are other affiliates who have huge lists who may end up offering better bonuses than you, thereby getting them almost all of the sales. You need to become unique in that what you’re offering making certain it is something different than everybody else additionally it must be something which can not be discovered anywhere else, without paying a lot for it.
One thing you have to realize about having a list would be that the individuals on your list are on other lists also. You ought to also try and ensure you write your own emails for the product simply because if you’re using the email that the product owner provides to you other individuals are using it as well. If you are wondering why not one person is purchasing from you, it might be simply because somebody else has a big bonus so to get individuals to buy from you, you need to become an expert in the field you’re in. You will discover that if you are able to actually have yourself labeled as an expert in your field this can be one great way to increase the volume of income you generate. You are going to discover that article advertising will assist you to to create your credibility as well as enables you to be viewed as an expert in the field.
While article advertising is really a great place to start you are going to also want to start getting your name out to as many individuals as possible using any sort of forum you are able to. You will discover that your credibility can end up going a long way simply because more individuals will buy from somebody they trust than from a stranger who might be offering them a better bonus. You have to remember that if you don’t trust somebody or they do not have a good reputation the chances of you actually buying something from them is going to be very low.
Your e-mail list ought to be a list of individuals who are incredibly interested in the kind of products you’re promoting. You ought to not forget to work on building your credibility and also trust and you need to also uncover some valuable and unique bonuses to offer your list. Do all of that and you will be a profitable affiliate marketer.
Staying More Careful With All Your Website Promotion Today
On the subject of website promotion specialists tell us that there are two important issues that you have to target if you’re intending to make any kind of progress in the field of UK search engine optimisation. To begin with, you have to ensure that the content of your webpages is “top class” and can be recognised by the major search engine’s robots every time they visit. Second of all, you have to ensure that other websites around the globe acknowledge the existence of your site and affirm its credibility by linking to your site.
Now there is far more to website promotion than just that, however you should focus on the essentials to begin with. Let’s assume that you’ve put a large amount of energy into the structure of your webpages by way of composing great material and planning the pages correctly, where do you start in terms of all of that linking?
This is where a lot of people have a tendency to go wrong. They feel they can automate the process and obtain the required number of back-links by just initiating a process of two-way link building, utilising link farms and so forth. People are continuously missing out on the point right here. If the search engines like Google are going to give authority to your site depending on it being accepted by others inside your particular niche, does it truly seem sensible to try to automate this process so that the backlink is manufactured automatically and not as a result of some clear reason? Needless to say it doesn’t, but yet entire industries have been set up online merely to do this. Website promotion, to all of those companies and individuals, is something that may be completely automatic.
Yet, as we have witnessed again with all the latest modifications towards the algorithmic design, automation is definitely disliked by Google as well as the others. At this point, if you have been associated with promoting your site by using certain blog networks then you might wind up being in trouble. Some of these networks are seen by the search engines like Google as basically automatic backlink generating tools. Individuals who make an effort to get promotion through the use of these types of networks are merely hoping to get exponential gain through hardly any effort.
Exactly where are all of us heading next in the field of online marketing? Just how long might it be before search engine marketers come to understand how essential genuine conformity is? Through trying to build backlinks directly and manually by means of interaction with the online business involved we’re very unlikely to run afoul of just about any algorithmic alterations in the long run. As many of those who don’t adhere to the policies are gradually penalised, people who do it correctly can only reap dividends in the long term.
We offer the best ecommerce website development solutions. Our website developers and web designers are offers the best solutions for your your online business needs.
We offer affordable and reliable ecommerce website development and mobile website development solutions with latest techonlogy. Our ecommerce website development solutions for clients are best and perfect as per your business needs. We have vast experience in offering ecommerce website development and website designing solutions. We have clients globally who are happy and satisfied with our services and thus making us more reliable and affordable.
We are a team of ecommerce website developers and ecommerce website designers and hence we undertand very well the basic needs for a online business and hence our ecommerce website designers and ecommerce website developers work with every minute details to get the best soltuions for your online website business.
Our Ecommerce website developers and designers offer you the full E-Commerce Online website Store for your business.With our easy to manage admin panel the client can just simply add products and specifications and the your ecommerce website store is online in just few minutes and ready for selling products online. Our Ecommerce website developers have made the admin panel where you can add Categories, Products , product Images, Details of the products, images, Informations & even you can add shipping options. This ecommerce website design is so simple to undertsand, the functions of admin panel that you do not need any learning or techinical skills.
Responsive Design
Responsive web Design optimised for desktop, tablet and mobile. Professionally designed for your business..
SEO Friendly
Websites are Optimised and designed to get the maximum advantage of visibility of your website in Search engines.
Low budget
Our ecommerce website developers offers solutions that are low budget and are made for small to medium business companies.
Best support
Our support is best in class. Make a call or drop a mail for any kind help you need regarding your website admin panel.
Ask for free demo website in action and contact us for free quote
Mobile Friendly Ecommerce website development
Do you want a cost effective Ecommerce website to grow your business globally, Our ecommerce website developers and ecommerce website designers offers mobile friendly ecommerce website with pixcel perfect and clean code.
- Get free quote for your reqirments. Then send us the details of your requirment.We will study your requirment and then we will get back to you for discussion.
After finalisation of your requirments Our ecommerce website developers we will plan the layout of the website that is best suitable for your business. we will make the website sample and show it for your approval.
For your approval a link will be sent to you so that you can check the website layout , design , colors patterns and how the website will function.Client will be able to check the website functionality
- After the website is tested and approved by the client, Our ecommerce website developers will work on the website to complete the website. The website will be completed and it will be ready to be uploaded finally.
You can reach us any time 24×7
Make SEO Services Consultants Your Choice
Welcome to the official website of SEO Services Consultants, a rising business in the world of Search Engine Optimization. We are a professional SEO company based out of India that works with all kinds of websites to help them out with getting the best possible search engine results. Our guaranteed SEO services are made to ensure that our work can be as effective as possible.
Our services can help you out when it comes to getting more exposure when online. The problem with trying to get the word out about what you have is that it can be very difficult to do. There are so many different competitors out there who are trying to get a piece of the action on a search engine. Therefore, search engine optimization plans must be used to make it easier for your site to be a little more visible. This is where our services at SEO Services Consultants can come in handy.
What are we about?
SEO Services Consultants is an online SEO services provider based out of India. We work with special strategies that involve organic SEO services that work with the websites that our clients already have to work with. Our goal is to get our clients to work with only the best search engine rankings without resorting to any improper methods for getting these rankings ready.
We work with functions that are easy to understand and will stick with our clients for every single thing that they need to have handled. We always explain what is going on and help people out with figuring out what they can use. We want you to feel satisfied and be fully aware of just what is going on with your site.
In fact, the services that we offer can be very instructional to many of our clients. This can be used to make it easier for clients to have a better time understanding what can go on when it comes to getting search engine plans covered. You can easily take the information that we give you and use it to your advantage for years to come.
What services do we offer?
We offer several different useful services for all of our clients. These are used to help make it easier for a client to have an easier time with making one’s information easily visible on any search engine. We offer such things for search engine needs as:
- Basic SEO services; this includes getting in more directories and search engines
• Website design services
• Link building plans
• Online marketing; this includes working with some pay per click (PPC) services
• Graphic design functions
• Social media support through blog commenting and other interactive functions
• Website application design; this can include social media optimizationIt will help to take a look at our SEO services when it comes to making it easier for what you have to be easier to see. You can have an easier time with getting your site to be easily visible and more useful for more people.
It helps to take a look at the three basic services that we have to offer. These services are critical for your website’s plans:
Take Action today!
You should definitely see what we have to offer when it comes to your website needs. The services that we offer at SEO Services Consultants can help you out with getting your website to be easier to read. The services that we offer are used to help you legally get your site to move up in search engines. These work with not only the content on a site but also the way how the content is prepared.
You can contact us directly through this site. We will get to you with a free review and quote on the services that you are asking for. We even have special offers available for some of our services.
How To Choose The Best Web Design Company
Best web design clients are one that can create a search engine friendly, quick downloading as well as W3C compatible web site in quick time. The website might act as much more of an introduction to the company than as a selling point, motivating visitors to call or drop in when they want anymore information. It’s important to comprehend that whether it’s web application development or website design, you will find all likelihood of problems occurring and the task getting postponed.
An internet site is much more than just a place to go to online. Look into web design company portfolio: Before you approach any web design company it is usually advisable to go through the previous projects of the business you are going to hire. Each company is different so making an individual arrange for each clients are essential.
Their design group should be competent and experienced and will be thrilled to provide you with use of their portfolio of styles to search through. Simplicity of the site does not necessarily mean that it should not possess some attractively designed features in it. New businesses are fighting with each other to get a foothold in the designing industry.
The design business should help you with the establishing of your e-mail account as well. But, as you can imagine, these are probably the most important elements of your website. This type of small company website design business will allow you to enter designing suggestions which will be incorporate into the design.
The website ought to be designed in such a way that it is compatible with the operating systems, platforms and the most commonly used browsers such as Internet Explorer as well as Mozilla FireFox. If you have the technical ideas and you don’t mind making the effort to develop a website, then you can do it on your own. Mix those skills with your creativeness to retain your unique identification.
The company you select for developing your real estate web site should first and foremost be a business with specialization in website development and online marketing. This is done not only in the encoding of the pages, but also in the content every page contains. Pricing structure: If a standard prices are given for those projects with out consideration of your own design needs, you may wind up paying for stuff you don’t need.
What Does it Take For Today’s Entrepreneur?
The business world is a constantly in motion. With modern advances in technology and the development of new products and services previous generations would have never dared to dream, the successful entrepreneur must adapt as well. Gone are the days when a good idea and a little elbow grease could single-handedly propel you to the top. While both are still key parts to the puzzle, the following qualities are also vital when trying to make it as an entrepreneur today:
- Creativity – The current business market has been flooded with ideas, and a lot of good ones, as a result of the ease with which new technology has allowed every average Joe to publish, or make accessible to the general public in some capacity, his or her own brilliance (or sometimes lack thereof). Creativity is more important than ever so that your idea can break through the clutter by putting a new and innovative spin on it. It is also essential in further developing your product to coincide with new, relevant advancements.
- Organization – The not so distant meltdown of our financial sector has reemphasized the importance of organization and accurate bookkeeping. This is not only important for the accountants of the world; everyone from the top down needs to keep detailed records so that you know exactly where you and your company stand at all points in time. Organization will also help you stay on top of the ball and keep you both on time for meetings and sending timely responses to queries. As the world gets smaller, individual schedules seem to cram more and more to-do’s into a limited number of hours.
- Selflessness – In order for your business to maximize its potential or even get it off the ground, the man or woman at the helm is going to have to put their entrepreneurial goals ahead of some of their own personal life goals. This will also mean working a lot longer than your old 9-5 job and without the secured income and benefits. For those willing to put family and friends on the backburner and focus solely on the task at hand, despite the increasingly chaotic and distracting time in which we live, even lofty business goals are still in reach.