With the onset of the Corona pandemic, our awareness of thorough hand washing has increased significantly. However, high energy prices now raise the question: Where can I save energy to play online live casino?
Do I really need to wash my hands with warm water – or is cold water enough to get rid of dirt, viruses and germs?
Washing hands lowers the incidence of infectious diseases, as has been confirmed in many scientific studies. And at the latest since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, we have internalized careful and frequent hand washing: Wet your hands, soap them up thoroughly and warble Happy Birthday or a similarly long song at the same time, and last but not least, rinse off the soap with warm water. Stop. Here the question arises: Does it really have to be warm water? Is cold water not enough? In view of the high prices for energy, this is a legitimate question.
According to the German Federal Statistical Office, hot water accounts for an average of about 15 percent of total energy consumption. About every third liter of water we consume is hot water. A lot of energy is needed to heat cold water – for washing hands, for example. Energy we can save?
Warm water kills viruses and germs better, it is believed. That’s why many of us take the precaution of turning on the hot water tap as much as possible – according to the motto a lot of heat helps a lot with the best possible protection against viruses.
But this is a misconception: what makes our hands clean is not the warm or hot water – but soap and the right technique. The only thing that matters is how thoroughly and how long we wash our hands.
In a scientific study, researchers tested the effectiveness of soap in combination with different water temperatures approximately 4 degrees, 13 degrees, 21 degrees, 35 degrees and 49 degrees. The result: the temperature of the water when washing hands has no effect on reducing bacteria. This is also confirmed by the Federal Center for Health Education: “The water temperature has no influence on the reduction of microorganisms. Therefore, the individually comfortable water temperature should be selected.”
In times of energy crisis, that means it is best to wash your hands with cold water.
How much energy can you save by washing your hands with cold water?
There is no blanket answer to that question; it depends on the method you use to heat your water. And, of course, on how long you have to run the water until it comes out of the tap warm.
If you wash your hands five times a day and thus use four liters of cold water instead of hot water each time, a three-person household avoids costs of up to 55 euros a year; if you heat water electrically, the cost is as much as 140 euros.
Hold hands briefly under cold running water.
Lather carefully for 20 to 30 seconds, using sufficient soap.
Do not forget the palms, the backs of the hands, the spaces between the fingers and the fingertips.
Rinse under cold running water.
Dry your hands well, because microorganisms can multiply better in a moist environment.
By the way: You do not need special soap with antibacterial additives to wash your hands.
There are so many ways to prevent yourself from getting sick. Not only to avoid getting Corona but also the flu. As simple as it sounds, washing your hands properly can protect you. In these situations you should definitely wash your hands:
- When we get home
- Before we cook
- Before eating
- After going to the toilet
- After contact with raw meat
- After contact with animals
- After contact with garbage
- After blowing nose, coughing or sneezing
- Before touching cosmetics
- Before we take medications.
Saving energy when washing hands
A simple way to save energy is to wash your hands cold. Please keep in mind:
It goes without saying, but sometimes we forget: turn off the faucet while we soap our hands.
The consumer advice center recommends: “At the sink, it makes sense to always turn single-lever faucets back to cold, i.e., to the far right. Then, every time you wash your hands, you can decide whether cold water is enough for you or whether you would prefer warm water.