Category: Education
Complete guide on RBI Grade B examination
The RBI or Reserve Bank of India examination is conducted in a couple of phases; Phase I and Phase II. The Reserve Bank of India Grade B notification gets released every year so that eligible candidates can fill in the vacancies. Candidates get the admit cards only some weeks before the preliminary examination. The application process for RBI Grade B closed down on the 18th of April, 2022, and it was for 294 vacancies. If you are interested in taking the RBI Grade B exam, you can visit the website of RBI and go through the notification details.
The importance of the RBI Grade B mock test
The RBI Grade B mock test 2022 does not only turn out to be the best that candidates can practice but is reliable too. This test is designed in a way so that candidates get a clue about the actual examination. Every mock test that is available in the mock test series of RBI Grade B is found with a comprehensive solution to every question. And these questions give candidates an excellent idea about how they can improve their performance. So, it is the ideal time when you can give your preparations a new elevation.
The eligibility criteria
When you are interested in applying, you need to meet the min. Eligibility criteria. You must possess a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree from a sanctioned University, and only then you can apply for the RBI Grade B job. The exam of RBI Grade B is held online, and the selection of candidates is made according to a competitive examination. This examination is conducted in 3 phases; preliminary, main, and personal interview round. The mock test series of the RBI Grade B is available in Hindi and English languages.
Why are the mock tests so important?
The mock tests turn out to be useful all the time, before as well as after candidates cover the whole syllabus.
Towards the start of their preparation – Students use mock tests to analyse where they stand currently, the topics they need to concentrate on, etc. If they become perplexed, they can go through the preparation policy for the RBI Grade B exam.
At the time of their preparation – Students utilise a mock test to test how they have been advancing with their preparation process. Additionally, they will come to know about their strengths and weaknesses besides whether or not they must make necessary alterations to take their preparation to the subsequent level.
At the time of finishing their preparation – Candidates can begin to give comprehensive mock tests before the exam, and it will drive their preparation to the eventual goal, which is taking on the post of the RBI Grade B officer.
The process of attempting the RBI Grade B mock test
If candidates can practice the RBI Grade B mock test 2022 with quicker comprehension skills, they will identify their weak and strong areas. Solving RBI Grade B mock test brings candidates closest to solving the real RBI Grade B examination papers in real-time.
How Do I Start A Career In Luxury Brand Management?
Do you want to pursue luxury brand management? With the right skills and qualifications, you can make a lucrative career in this field.
Luxury brand management has become immensely popular in the last few decades. The reason? The skyrocketing popularity of social media and influencer marketing. Now, businesses need a robust team of brand managers, PR managers, and product managers. They need to promote luxury goods through several offline and online channels. Thus, it is no surprise that luxury brand management has emerged as a driving force in the fashion and retail industry.
If you want to explore this field, here is how you can get started.
Degree courses for luxury brand management
Numerous universities in India and the world offer courses in luxury brand management. A luxury brand management course in India is a two-year degree course. It is similar to an MBA degree course but with a sharper focus on the luxury goods industry.
Here is what the typical course curriculum looks like:
- Luxury retail operations: Marketing, brand management, PR, and advertising
- Research on various segments of luxury goods and services. These include haute couture, automobiles, wine and champagne, jewellery, watches, hospitality, and fashion
- Masterclasses by global luxury industry leaders
- Mentorship by national and international faculties and alumni
- Live industry projects that give you a thorough understanding of the developed and emerging markets
Job prospects after a luxury brand management course
Once you complete your course, you can pursue the following jobs:
- Luxury brand manager: As a luxury brand manager, you will be responsible for devising marketing and brand strategies for attracting the appropriate clientele. Additionally, you will also work on creating a suitable brand image that is identifiable and resonates with the targeted audience. Here are the skills you will need to apply:
- Conduct market research
- Manage and organize promotional campaigns
- Propose and analyze marketing budgets
- Collaborate with other brand designers and creators
- Supervise production
- Fashion retail buyer: A fashion retail buyer is in charge of the following:
- Decide what type of merchandise a luxury fashion brand should sell
- Analyze customer demand and product availability
- Analyze buying patterns, predict future sales trends, manage and plan stocks
- Analyze sales and discount performance
- Foster healthy business relationships with suppliers
- PR specialist: A PR specialist for a luxury brand needs to maintain relationships with the media to ensure that the brand image is projected appropriately. Your responsibilities would also include networking with magazine editors, bloggers, influencers, and writers.
- Product marketing manager: Product planning and execution is a key aspects of luxury brand management. A product marketing manager’s role is to supervise the entire development and production process. You will also have to work with brand managers and retail buyers to conduct marketing research.
Final thoughts
Are you passionate about the fashion industry, luxury goods, and marketing? Then, luxury brand management is a rewarding career path. It empowers you to earn a handsome living while doing what you love. Not only will a degree in luxury brand management open several doors for you, but you will also learn countless lessons along the way.
Excited to pursue a master’s in luxury brand management? Go ahead and start researching for courses today!
How to Cope in a Stressful New Job
The relief of landing a new job after applying, interviewing, and waiting for a response is a feeling every job hunter dreams about. Knowing that all of your hard work and intensive searching has finally paid off can be a thrill. However, once you start your first day in this new role, you may quickly feel as if you are in over your head. This is a completely normal feeling and happens to many competent people who go on to carve out impressive careers for themselves. You may think that you have made a mistake, and you might even consider quitting before you have truly begun, but stress in a new role is part of the process. Here is a simple guide on how to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the pressure of starting a new job.
What Are the Common Pressures New Employees Face?
There are some stressors that occur during a new employee’s first few weeks that are specific to the industry they work within. However, there are also some that are quite universal and can make initial steps along a career path feel unsteady. A few examples include:
- Social anxiety. Joining a new company or organization often means throwing yourself in at the deep end where you don’t know anyone. Some people find this more challenging than others, depending on their personal approach to social situations and making introductions.
- Not knowing what to do. A good line manager should provide an adequate induction for any new employee at any level. This includes preparing work for the new employee to tackle so they can get a realistic feel for the responsibilities of the role. Any training should be outlined at the beginning to prevent the new starter from feeling left out of the loop.
- Not knowing how systems work. Most companies rely upon digital technology to some extent. There is an overabundance of software used by companies to streamline their processes, and these can often take a while to get the hang of. Even more senior and experienced members of a team can struggle with different company software, so it’s no wonder a new starter would feel bewildered.
- Feeling overconfident. Some new employees might feel that since they’ve successfully landed a job, they are suddenly the solution to the entire organization’s problems. Overconfidence, when it is unfounded, can have many negative side effects, such as complacency and failing to complete tasks effectively.
Only Apply for Roles You Can Fill
It might be tempting when you see an appealing job role to apply for it even when you notice that you are not qualified or don’t have the desired level of experience. Perhaps you believe that you can rise to the challenge on the job and learn the necessary skills as you go. While this isn’t impossible, it is highly unlikely and will probably cause you and your new employer a lot of stress. There is rarely any positive outcome when someone exaggerates their abilities, either on their resumé or during an interview. Ensure you are capable and ready for the responsibilities that a role demands before sending in your application. For example,achieving an MA in education to become a teacher rather than applying to schools with no prior experience will significantly improve your chances of the hiring team inviting you to interview. If you are frequently finding roles that ask for more qualifications or experience than what you can offer, make it a goal to increase your skillset and make yourself more attractive to potential employers. This might involve returning to studies or volunteering somewhere you can gain experience.
Prepare for the Practicalities of Your Morning
If you are finding that a new job is causing you stress, chances are you wake up each morning and dread going to work. This is normal and can be overcome with patience, practice, and organization. Get into the habit of preparing your clothes and necessary items the evening before. This ensures that you won’t be scrambling around for them the next morning and potentially running late.
Focus on Improving Your Sleep
Stress can cause a variety of sleep issues, such as oversleeping or the inability to get enough sleep. This, in turn, can impact your productivity at your new job and exacerbate the problem. If you suffer from stress-related sleep issues, consider this a top priority. High levels of stress negatively impact your sleep, and poor sleep increases stress. There are ways of gaining control over this vicious circle to ease your worries, improve your sleep and help you enjoy your new job. You’d be surprised at how effective a full night of sleep can be when it comes to learning how to work in an unfamiliar role.
Enhance Your Concentration
Being able to absorb the information that a new role requires is a vital skill for any employee. The fact that you are possibly overwhelmed by trying to take in everything at once doesn’t mean that you should give up. Be patient with yourself and recognize that you won’t be able to learn it all instantly. Give yourself time to adjust and take in this new information at your own pace.Pushing yourself past your limits will only cause more stress.
Listen Closely
One of the best ways to learn quickly at a new job is to be a good listener. This doesn’t only mean remembering what someone has told you but also being observant and connecting pieces of information to form a coherent concept. Often the stress of starting a new job comes from the lack of knowledge you have about the responsibilities, systems, and techniques, so as you develop your understanding of these elements, you will start to notice a decrease in stress.
Make Friends
If you are gradually gaining confidence with the tasks and processes of your new role, you may still feel the stress of not knowing anyone within the team. Some people are naturally sociable and can strike up a conversation easily, whereas others take time to get to know their peers. Whichever you identify with most, remember that creating connections and forming bonds can be the difference between a stressful and an enjoyable career.
9 Stress Management Strategies That Every Teacher Should Know
It is very common to experience stress as a teacher. There will be days when you will not be able to keep up with the momentum and demands of the students, either in a physical classroom or an online teaching platform. Stress is indeed one of the major cause of concern among the teaching professionals. However, it all depends on how you respond to the situation. Here are nine awesome strategies that shall help you manage stress effectively.
Embrace Stress
It is up to the teachers to embrace stress either in a positive manner, or in a negative light. According to health psychologist Kelly McGonigal, when an individual views stress in constructive ways, it results in their body responding in a different way. It will also help avoid long term physical damages.
Meditate Well
It is advisable to meditate well on a regular basis to avoid stress. Teachers can simply incorporate the 4 x 4 breathing technique to lower your stress level. Whenever you experience high levels of stress, breathe in deeply for four seconds, then exhale for another four seconds. Continue this process for 2-3 minutes for maximum impact.
Be Perfectly Imperfect
It has been observed that overly stressed people tend to possess the same trait – they try to compare themselves with others and hope to improve upon themselves. Hence, most working adults are found to be overweight. However, it’s time you realise that you are perfect with your imperfections. Hence, ignore your flaws which might hinder your professional growth.
Always Be Grateful
It is advisable to figure out the right opportunities that life offers every moment. Be grateful for your life, your profession and the work that you do. You should understand the importance and impact of your profession on the lives of students and conduct yourself accordingly.
Exercise Emotional First Aid
Do you hurt yourself after experiencing failure in life? Experts suggest that this act is as comparable as finding ways to make your wound worse. Indeed, we don’t do that when encountered with physical pain, then why do it when the pain is emotional? A two-minute distraction from monotonous tasks is all that you need to avoid digging into an emotional rut.
Accept Challenges
Not every day might be perfect for you. There might be days when the challenges might soar up extesively. Accept such challenges. On a tough day, you might not get to hear what soothes the ears. But the idea is to accept the challenges that come your way and figure out solutions with a positive mindset.
Work Smarter
After a tiring and hectic day, you might confuse up feelings of exhaustion and burn out with hard work. However, you should understand that working hard and performing good at work should not leave you feeling depleted. You should figure out ways to delegate or ease up some of your tasks.
Seek Help
Yes, you should never shy away from seeking help from your colleagues or even from your family members. At times, you might run out of ideas due to a mental block. During such moments, fresh ideas from people around you could do the work for you.
As a teacher, it’s important to find ways to relieve stress. One way to do this is to attend teacher professional development conferences. At these conferences, you can network with other teachers and learn new teaching methods. You can also learn about new education technology and resources. In addition, attending these conferences can help you stay up-to-date on education standards. As a result, attending teacher professional development conferences is a great way to relieve stress and improve your teaching practice.
Connect with People
Several pieces of research suggest that when you connect with people, your body tends to produce oxytocin. To elaborate further, oxytocin is a chemical that helps repair the heart. Small acts can help in the release of oxytocin, such as by seeking help simply, as seen above. Additionally, you should cultivate relationships with your colleagues and students.
Hence, these were nine best practices that a teacher can incorporate into their daily lives in order to avoid stress and burn out. These tips shall go a long way in helping reduce teacher stress effectively.
Hackathon: A thrill like no other
A hackathon, also called a codefest, is a social coding event in which computer programmers come together to develop an existing software program or create a new one. The word ‘hackathon’ is the combination of the words ‘hacker’ and ‘marathon’, which refers to brilliant coders competing in an endurance event.
Hackathons provide organizations with an opportunity to develop employee-driven ideas in a low-risk setting. Employees are given the liberty and assistance they need to brainstorm out-of-the-box ideas in collaboration with colleagues from different departments. Although the product needs to be generated in a specified time, there isn’t any pressure of delivering a practicable solution. Hackathons are occasionally held to accomplish a specific purpose.
1. The Adrenaline Rush
There is nothing like a hackathon that gives you that much-needed adrenaline rush. Constructing a stunning program solution from absolute zero can be a task exciting for not just programmers, but also absolute beginners. People are grouped into teams to jointly create a software program, that too in a span of up to 48-hours. An event without any sleep, plenty of food and lots of programming— a hackathon is programmers’ Promised Land.
2. The Participating team
Teamwork is essential to winning a highly competitive hackathon. Having the right team for events like this can be advantageous. Nobody is compensated for hacking. In decision-making, no one has ‘power’ or ‘leverage.’ Any team member can provide ideas without fear of repercussions. Like every team, some are about problem-solving, while others are about asking tough questions – and still, others are about waiting until they feel something important will happen – and then they astound you.
3. The Lessons
Hackathon provides you with immense learning exposure. It is a great opportunity to test your skills and enables you to build some great contacts. You get to know your weaknesses. Always the biggest discoveries have nothing to do with what one built, but what one learned along the way. Our mistakes – which never made it into the Final Submission – are the learnings I most want to go back and learn more about, and they help my ‘day job’ hugely.
4. Beefing up your resume
Prospective employers do not simply accept your mentioned education and career history at face value when examining a resume. They seek beyond that to construct your persona. As a result, by highlighting your hackathon participation, you establish your brand as someone who takes initiative, is a lifelong learner, and appreciates being challenged. Certainly, all of those abilities are valuable assets to any company and will serve as a differentiating feature in your application.
5. The Confidence
As Marc Andreessen says, ‘What if it does work?’ –that should be the lens through which you think about every situation, and a hackathon helps you build it. When you succeed in creating a solution from mere imagination in so little time, the feeling of confidence and optimism is unparalleled.
6. The new career avenues
Working on an intriguing project may inspire you to switch occupations. Apart from networking and tech conversations, big on-site hackathons offer corporate booths where you may approach representatives and learn about potential jobs firsthand. They are recruiting in the same manner that a job fair would but in a much more natural setting.
7. A network-intensive event
Networking entails building and developing long-term mutually beneficial relationships with people you encounter in diverse places. You may develop a lifetime connection while participating in an academic competition, attending a conference, or waiting in line for a morning coffee. During these few days of a hackathon, you will have several opportunities to meet individuals on a professional level, whether it is during team-matching sessions, eating breaks, or going for coffee together. And it might start even before the hackathon if it provides closed groups/messaging tools for participants to connect.
A hackathon is a perfect platform for people in the same industry to come together and learn from each other’s successes and failures. So, given all its wondrous benefits, a hackathon is an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.
How can one become a Textile Designer?
Who is a Textile Designer?
The designs, textures, illustrations and patterns for knitted, woven, dyed, embroidery or printed fabric are created by a Textile Designer. These are then used in clothing, furnishings, towels, floor & wall coverings, carpets etc.
The textile designers must be up-to-date with the trends& people’s preferences because then only they’ll be able to manufacture appropriate products in relevant patterns that will not only attract people but will also sell in the market.
- Liaising with clients, partners, teams
- Keeping abreast with trends, consumer taste and innovations. Analyzing the existing as well as newly launched materials basis the cultural and functional aspects.
- Evaluating commercial, cultural and functional requirements.
- Creating sketches and designs as per the client’s brief using specialized CAD software
- Getting the samples made and having the same approved by the client.
- Supervising the production process.
Skills required:
- Understanding of fabric, patterns, colours, textures and materials
- Good communication skills not only to work in a team but also to handle clients
- Networking skills
- Creative bent of mind to analyze the requirements and basis the same make tangible designs.
- Ability to work under pressure adhering to deadlines.
- Attention to detail and an understanding of the trends
- Business skills
Career opportunities:
- The 6th largest exporter of textiles and apparel in the world is India.
- India’s exports of textiles and apparel are growing at a CAGR of 11% and are expected to reach $65 bn by 2025-26
- In 2020-21, the Textiles and garments industry was at $103.4 bn and it is expected to reach $190 bn by 2025-26.
Textile Industry is a flourishing industry with significant exports. Hence it online shopping presents huge opportunities. Few job profiles can be:
- Fabric Analyzer/Fabric Resource Manager: Works with a variety of materials, including man-made, natural, leather, fur, metal etc. His job profile is to test, select and source the ideal material for the product. He ensures quality and production efficiency along with product development.
- Colour Technologist: Works with the science and technology of colour application on a range of products. He ensures not only quality and durability but also its reproduction accuracy.
- Textile Designer: Will make creative designs and patterns involving yarns, fabrics, prints, trims, etc.
- Interior Designer: Designing and renovating internal spaces. Will entail structural alterations, new lighting, furnishings, new colour schemes, fixtures & fittings, wallpapers etc.
- Fashion Designer: Work with fabrics, colours and patterns to design and style new clothing.
Where do I study Textile Design?
There are lots of colleges providing Textile Designing courses, however, while choosing the right course to study diploma in textile design, one needs to make the following deliberations:
- College must offer certification that is accredited at both national as well as international levels.
- The course should offer market-oriented understanding and updated technical knowledge about Textile Design.
- The course must offer master classes by Industry Experts, so that the students may get first-hand expertise.
- Industry experience through live projects and internships.
- Colleges must provide competencies in updated software like CAD etc.
- College must offer the holistic perspective of Textile Designing and Styling
- College must help students in developing a strong portfolio that can be showcased to prospective employers.
- Supplementary career support curriculum to enhance the student’s competencies like PhD or short duration courses in graphics or design etc.
- The college should enter students participation in International events and competitions
- College must ensurea comprehensive placement program
Thus, choosing to study diploma in textile design is a wise choice once you study from a reputable institute with industry standing.
How to become a successful Nutritionist in India?
A career as a nutritionist is consistently gaining popularity among students with science backgrounds. The trending urge among people to be in shape has pushed the demand for nutritionists in the market. Besides this, the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has instilled fear in people and forced them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Thus, people are rushing to nutritionists for healthy tips. So, students looking for a lucrative career ahead can take up BSc nutrition and dietetics course to become successful nutritionists in India.
BSc Nutrition and dietetics: An Overview
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and dietetics is a three-year undergraduate program, divided into six semesters. The program focuses on a variety of aspects of research on nutritional science. The course is a blend of food management study and the importance of healthy life. Students will acquire knowledge in principles of nutrition, human anatomy and physiology, the science of psychology, remedial mathematics, and remedial biology during the program. In addition, the BSc Nutrition and dietetics course also provide a deep understanding of traditional foods, nutritional problems, holistic wellness, life skills, food handling, weight management, and pharmacology.
In order to become a nutritionist, students have to start preparing from class 10 as it is essential to be from the science stream to pursue the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and dietetics course. The course is offered in various universities and colleges in India. As the profession of a nutritionist is highly regarded in our society, it is essential to be well-versed with the language of nutrition and dietetics. Therefore, students can pursue the course in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, as this city is primarily known for many recognized universities that offer accredited undergraduate programs in nutrition and dietetics.
Eligibility requirement for BSc Nutrition and dietetics course
Students must have scored a minimum of 50 percent in the matriculation and intermediate with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Biotech along with English as a major subject.
You must note that there are no such entrance exams to enroll in the BSc Nutrition and dietetics course. Students are required to fill the application form. Then the screening of the application will take place. Following this, the shortlisted students will be called for a Personal Interview.
Career prospects after BSc Nutrition and dietetics course
After attaining the required educational and professional skills to become a successful nutritionist, students can target several career opportunities based on their interests. Let’s take a quick look at these roles.
- Dietitian
- Quality Control Officer
- Health Promotion Officer
- Nutritionist
- Food Scientist
- Public Policy Advocate
- Food Services Manager
- Culinary Specialist
After completing the course, many nutritionists prefer private practice. However, they can also contribute to hospitals, hotels, airlines, schools, or universities. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for nutritionists is skyrocketing. People are approaching nutritionists to seek tips for good health. So, your future looks bright with the BSc Nutrition and dietetics course. So, apply to the program right away!
How to prepare for GATE at home?
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is one of the most recognized tests for engineering students in India. Candidates who clear the examination or secure desired percentile will be able to get admission in IITS or different other top college in India for masters programme in
Engineering (M.Tech). Apart from getting admission candidates who secure desired score or percentile in GATE examination are also eligible to apply for different openings for engineers in
Public Sector Unit (PSU).
Taking a look at the difficulty level of the examination and number of candidates appearing for the test. It is not an easy task to secure a good percentile in the examination. Majority of the candidates appearing in the examination join coaching institutes where they have tutor and mentor to guide and help the students along with different privileges like study material and mock test to help the student for their preparation. However these leverages cannot be afforded by all the students while some opt for self-study to prepare for the examination.
This article is useful for the candidates who are preparing for GATE without coaching along with other necessary details related to the examination.
GATE Exam Highlights
Exam Name | Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering |
Conducting body | IITs |
Mode of examination | Online objective type paper |
GATE notification releases | August 1, 2021 |
GATE Exam Pattern and Syllabus
The first step in the preparation at home is to prepare the time table along with the list of topics to be completed around the course of preparation. For this task candidates need to be familiar with the syllabus and exam pattern of the examination.
GATE Exam Pattern
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) will be a 3 hours duration online test consisting of 65 multiple choice questions. Out of 65 questions 55 will be from candidates core subject while remaining 10 will be from General Aptitude. The total weightage of 65 questions is 100 marks while different questions have different weightage.
GATE Syllabus
The syllabus for GATE is different for different streams. Here we will be discussing the syllabus for the stream for which the maximum number of candidates applied. For detailed syllabus, candidates can click here
Stream | Important topics |
Computer Science | Algorithm, Operating Systems, Compiler, Databases, Computation, Computer Networks, Programming, Digital Logic, Engineering Mathematics |
Mechanical | Theory of Machines, Machine Design, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Strength of materials, Applied Mechanics, Material manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Heat Transfer, Engineering Mathematics |
Civil Engineering | Structures, Environmental Engineering, Irrigation and Surveying, Mechanics, Construction material and management, Solid mechanics, transportation Engineering, Engineering Mathematics |
Electronics and Communication | Network, Signals and System, Electronics devices, Analog circuit, Digital Circuits, Control System, Communication and Electromagnetics, Engineering Mathematics |
Electrical engineering | Electric circuit, Electromagnetic field, Signal and System, Electrical machines, power systems, Control systems, Electrical and electronics measurement, Analog and digital electronics, |
Important preparation tips and strategies to prepare for GATE at home:
Make a time table/ Schedule: Candidates should make a timetable first in which they make a fixed number of hours for the GATE preparation. Through that they will be able to complete the syllabus as early as possible. Make a list of topics and fit them in your time table. After which try to complete a topic in the minimum time possible.
Quality over quantity: Although we mentioned to devote a fixed number of hours to preparation. It is the number of topics you complete in the given time, not the number of hours you give to the preparation. Thus try to complete the syllabus in the minimum time possible.
Previous years papers: Previous year papers play an important role in the preparation of every examination. They provide us with an idea about the difficulty level, exam pattern, Important topics on which to focus and various other things. By solving questions in previous year papers you will be able to analyze your performance and get to know what is required from your side while preparing.
Easy come first: Always cover up those topics first to which you are familiar with as they take less time. Starting a new topic will always be time consuming, so deal with them later. Also during the last month I never started a new topic. Reserve it for revision.
Right study material: Candidates need to have the right study material while preparing. Looking for the best books might not be helpful as there are a variety of options which can confuse. Thus we refer to your class notes you make through the course of your Engineering along with a question bank containing questions topic wise. If possible candidates can opt for study materials/ notes of different coaching which are easily available through a variety of sources. You just have to look for it.
Always be positive: There might be a time during your preparation that Italy seems to be difficult to cover up the syllabus or you might not be able to clear the exam. Just be positive, it won’t be the end if you don’t clear, be focused and continue your preparation.
Engineering Colleges Admission process in Rajasthan
Engineering Colleges Admission process in Rajasthan
Rajasthan state is whole-handedly responsible for conducting some centralized admission process for Btech admissions in Rajasthan. Rajasthan Technical University is the main authority to supervise the online admission process. They conduct online counselling to provide the best colleges for the students as per their subject to merit. Here, students can check all the details on the engineering colleges admission process in Rajasthan, including the seat allotment, entrance tests, selection process, and more.
The process for B Tech admissions in Rajasthan is known as Rajasthan Engineering Admission Process, REAP. REAP 2021 will begin from July 2021, and students are required to remember that there is no entrance exam for admissions via REAP. The admission authority conducts three rounds for REAP following the special admission drive.
Here are the procedures and general instructions for REAP 2021:
The candidates are advised to establish their eligibility before applying for B Tech courses via REAP 2021. They are responsible for any damage or consequences that occur while filling out wrong or erroneous data.
Entrance Exams Accepted by Rajasthan Engineering Colleges
Though the Rajasthan engineering admission process, REAP doesn’t organize any entrance exam for candidates; there are entrance exams that it accepts for admissions. It includes the JEE main paper one score, and any student with a valid score can apply for REAP.
Also, students can avail of admission without JEE main or JEE advance score via their class 12th merit. Meanwhile, the first preference is given to the candidates with a valid JEE score during the admission process. Hence, aspirants should appear in the JEE main paper to secure admission in colleges of your preference. Private engineering colleges in Rajasthan reserve some seats for management quota, and interested candidates can secure admission as per their 12th merit.
Eligibility Criteria
The engineering courses admission eligibility criteria for Btech admissions in rajasthan by REAP 2021 are listed below:
- Educational Qualification –
- To secure admission in Btech, the applicants must have passed class 12th with an aggregate of 45% marks and 40% for reserved categories.
- The applicants must have their education completed in science with subjects including Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, technical vocational/computer science.
- The students in class 12 will be eligible for B Tech admission in Rajasthan via REAP 2021.
- Age Limit
- BTech admissions in Rajasthan incorporate an upper age limit.
- Aspirants born on or after 1st October 1995 are eligible for the admission process of REAP 2021.
- Also, there is a relaxation in the upper age limit of upto five years for reserved categories.
- Age will only be considered per the birth date in the class 10th marksheet or certificate for REAP 2021.
- Domicile Rules
- A bonafide resident of Rajasthan is eligible for admission in BTech through REAP 2021. These candidates will also be eligible for the communal reservation, Sear under tuition fee waiver or concession seats scheme. (OR)
- Students who have studied class 10th, 11th, and 12th in Rajasthan are eligible for B Tech admissions in Rajasthan. They are also eligible for concession seats, communal reservations, or seats under the Tuition fee waiver scheme. (OR)
- Children of employees working under the Rajasthan government can secure admission in REAP 2021. (OR)
- Children of employees of government universities or Board of Secondary education can secure admission in REAP 2021. (OR)
- Employees working in engineering colleges across Rajasthan consecutively for three years can get admission in REAP 2021. (OR)
- Students from other states can also apply in REAP 2021. However, the reservation policies of the state government do not apply to them.
Admission and Selection Process
The Btech and BE admission process in Rajasthan is entirely online, and there is no physical or manual process involved. The admission is based on merit and stages involved in the admission process are –
- REAP Merit List 1 for B Tech Courses – After submitting the application process for REAP 2021, the admission authorities will release the first merit list. The list is prepared as per the JEE main score of candidates. The list comprises the name of candidates, roll number of JEE Main, JEE main score, and merit rank/number.
- REAP Merit List 2 for BTech Courses – students who applied for REAP 2021 with class 12th marks without JEE main score will get their names in list 2 for Btech courses. The list will comprise the name of students, class 12th marks/percentage, and merit number.
- REAP combined Merit List – apart from lists 1 and 2, the admission authority will release the third list for candidates per their JEE main score, class 12th percentile, and caste/category. The list will enable students to get an idea of their merit position.
The REAP 2021 is entirely based on the combined merit list. Therefore, all the candidates who feature in the combined merit list will have the chance to secure admission to private or government engineering colleges in Rajasthan.
Choice filled by the students in the entry form is an essential aspect of the online admission procedure. The online software selects the candidate based on merit.
REAP 2021 Counseling Process
The counseling process for REAP 2021 is conducted online and the stages involved are shown below –
- Payment of application/registration form fee
Before submitting the registration form, candidates must pay INR 700 to take part in REAP 2021 in online mode or via the e-Mitra kiosk.
If candidates are willing to pay the online fee mode, they can use a debit/credit card or internet banking. Candidates willing to pay the fee through the e-Mitra kiosk must pay INR 750 as the application fee and 50 as the service charge. Students applying via e-Mitra must carry all the documents to be uploaded in the application form. Basic details like name, JEE main roll number or Class 12th hall ticket number, email id, and mobile number are essential for application fee payment.
- Online application form submission for REAP 2021
Candidates applying via the e-Mitra kiosk need not worry as the central authorities will fill the applications for the candidates and upload the documents. Candidates who apply online must note that the application form will be activated after the fee payment. The form can be submitted following the methods as stated below –
- The candidates must visit the web portal of REAP to fill the form.
- Click on the application link on the website.
- As the fees are already paid, enter your candidate or application ID generated after the payment, mobile number, and verification code to view the application cum registration form.
- Instructions will be displayed on the screen, and candidates should read all the instructions before filling out the form.
- The filling of the application form begins with uploading the documents.
- The candidates must upload the scanned copies of passport size photograph, signature, JEE main rank card, class 12th marksheet, and category certificate if applicable.
- The online form will be displayed after uploading the documents.
- Candidates must fill in the details properly.
- Submit the details after verifying, as editing after submission is not possible.
- Online choice entry –Online choice entry form will be displayed after submitting all the details in the form. The list of engineering colleges will be displayed, and students can choose a maximum number of choices to improve admission chances. They will also receive the confirmation message or email after the submission of the entry form.
REAP 2021 Seat Allotment procedure
REAP will release the merit list for BTech courses, and seats are allotted based on merit. The seat allotment results will be published on the web portal of REAP 2021, and candidates are responsible for checking the results on the scheduled date.
The stages for seat allotment are –
- Checking seat allotment status – visit the REAP website to check the results of seat allotment. Login details are required.
- Upgrading or accepting seat allotment – candidates who are satisfied with their seats can proceed for admission by accepting the seats. Candidates who desire to upgrade their seats can select the upgrade option. Seats for upgradation will be made in the third round of REAP.
- Reporting to college – candidates who have accepted the seats must download the seat allotment letter and report to colleges on scheduled dates. Deposit the Btech course fee for the first year and certificates with two sets of xerox copies at the college. The admission will be confirmed only after the payment of fees and submission of documents.
How to create educational content
Educational content is an inward marketing solution for some companies as they use limited inbound marketing policies by educative content. It enables good meetings with the public, organizations, existing customers, or clients. Tutor City is the best tuition agency in Singapore that provides an efficient and effective tuition matching service.
Tips for creating educative content
- Creation of high-quality content: The existence of low-quality content is not new. If the content doesn’t provide value, it’s a total waste of time. So, the purpose of creating content is to gain from performing research online. Content is the information and experiences that are aimed at by the audience. As a result, the creation of content has to be outstanding.
- Making content search engine friendly: At the time of content creation, all the educational pages had to be attractive to search engines. All of them are heavily associated with the problems people are searching to solve.
- Establishing connected and alluring content: In this modern era, content is not just about ordering proper keywords anymore. Now all the content has to give accurate value based on the readers’ experience.
- Shorten content: Short and easy educative content helps readers quickly to locate the points.
Types of educational content and their publishing method
I will look at fast and easy content types. That means I consider them to be fastened and simple to develop with no technical authoring skills required.
Some of these types can be created even faster by using a modern authoring tool. So, I will also look at ways those tools can help in each context.
Slide-based course
Most people think of first when they hear slide-based course as ‘eLearning.’ They involve the user having a self-paced course. The students view slides with mutual units and perhaps narration and other multimedia elements. Similar ways often have a look and sound familiar to PowerPoint presentations.
This sort of content might be suitable for various scenarios. Consider using it, for example:
- Having existing learning substances in presentations, credentials, PDFs, or other layouts that anyone can comfortably repurpose into an online course.
- Need to get a few offline instructions into an online format fast.
This type of electronic learning educational content has not been as often as the other contents mentioned. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to share things. Such as standard operational systems, stepwise processes, and different manuals with staff and supply honest reading expertise. It is a good option if you have the material in Word or PDF format. This method is unavailable or unused to learners in a form that is easy to access and consume.
Training Video
A training video always helps to achieve a particular goal of educational teaching skills or knowledge. It purely teaches someone how to do a critical thing. It has become the most popular method to create educational content. Anyone can use videos as a method of educational content. Some of them given below:
- Independent training video.
- Embedded video
- Live training playback
- Video tutorials
- Software tutorials
Infographics square measure helps to express vital ideas efficiently. Here are some examples wherever infographics square measure essential:
- Providing a fast summary of a subject
- Explaining tough ideas
- Summarizing a procedure
- Summarizing vital concepts
- Showing analysis findings or survey information
- Comparing and distinction multiple choices
- Raising awareness concerning a problem or cause
How-to/Guide books
While writing How-to/Guide books on a website, a perfect post is recognized to be more in-depth with an idea or topic. The shorter it is, the more likely it will get read and shared.
Think about How-to/Guide books is to think of them as a list of blog posts with only two or three bullet points. Readers will dive deeply into each of those bullet points.
When writing How-to/Guide books, remember:
Solve drawback or fill a necessity for your specific audience: A close how-to guide is merely helpful if it solves a problem for your audience. If your audience consists of founders who are in 5+ years, a tutorial on fixing WordPress may not attend to facilitate them. A tutorial on building extra passive revenue streams, on the other hand, could be confident about what they’ve been searching for.
In the current crisis state of affairs, a lot of and a lot of folks are trying to find higher prices from corporations. They’re additionally seeking ways can spice up their skills and acquire the most effective out of their businesses. Offering tutorials, courses, or different forms of instructional content helps your audience and improves your complete image. So, don’t wait. start and begin sharing valuable instructional content that customers can appreciate.