Catalogue Service For Craftsvilla
Catalogue Service For Craftsvilla
Craftsvilla is the place for that exceptional something, where one of a kind things can be sold. Its the commercial center to Discover India.
Craftsvilla item classifications give you a thought of what’s accessible, yet you can be as imaginative as you prefer. Regardless of whether it’s adornments, furniture, craftsmanship, music, computerized workmanship, toys or mold – anything goes.
As the merchant you have the sole obligation of guaranteeing that the things offered available to be purchased on Craftsvilla follow statutory laws and are allowed under Craftsvilla’s Terms and Conditions.
The accompanying is an outline of the articles and administrations that might be recorded on Craftsvilla, things to mull over about certain item classes, and articles taboo on guideline
What we do
If you want catalogue service for Craftsvilla, is your answer. Our team of seasoned professionals handle the visuals of your online presence on Craftsvilla. We will:
1) Compile information about products and photograph products
2) Create company profile and project a positive image
3) Create professional catalogues with high quality and attractive photographs as well as succinct text
4) Get images and content approved
5) Upload images and concisely written yet informative and persuasive text to your product pages in compliance with template norms of Craftsvilla.
6) Provide back up and support services to keep your site fresh and current each day.
All you have to do is inform us your brand approval details by Craftsvilla and provide the log in ID and password so that we can access your section to upload content. You may or may not submit details of each product but we appreciate full details because buyers rely on maximum information.
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